Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere. This country has been troubled by poverty, earthquakes, crooked leaders, and much more. As you look into the eyes of most Haitians you see hopelessness. The need is to change one life at a time.
Macly Payoute, our Haitian pastor, once thought God wanted him to start a ministry for Haitians in the U.S.A. but it seemed like every time he tried to have the documents for his wife to join him, she was denied entry into the country. After council with Pastor Ron Barber of Sebastian Florida, Macly decided to return to Haiti and reach his people there. Because of his obedience God is using Pastor Mac in such a superb way.
Community Baptist Church-Sebastian, Florida, one of our partnering churches, felt the need to help Pastor Mac get establish in Limbe Haiti. They have provided a well for fresh water, built the orphanage building, and monthly provide for Pastor Mac. Because of Pastor Mac surrender to return to his home land, a church, school, and orphanage has been established. With such a needy area there is also much need to provide for this ministry.
Presently there is 150 in the 3 year old school. Many more would like to attend. You can help by sponsoring a child for $140 a year so they can have a great education. Your sponsorship will provide their uniform, two meals a day, and their books and supplies. Many children are waiting for generous people like you to help them educated themselves out of poverty.